Serving Tacoma

and The South Sound Region

(253) 572 – 4611

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A Holistic Practice Based on Embodied Neuroscience, Introspective Learning, & Effective Action



 Early in my career, I have witnessed the wisdom, skill, and pioneering principles of Osteopathic Medicine. Traditionally, ‘Doctors of Osteopathy’ (D.O.’s) have endorsed a more holistic and mutli-systemic approach to both practice and application of their own developed manual & hands-on techniques -- coming to be known a ‘osteopathic manipulation therapies’ or ‘OMT.’ However, in more recent years, and due to time constraints and practice trends, osteopathic physicians have relegated their manual therapy techniques to be assigned and trained for clinical application through licensed physical therapists – opting themselves to adopt greater affordances for allopathic ( medical-surgical based) approaches. These have historically made an impression in my usual practice outcomes.
Physical Therapy at Aliant includes training and application in the most common of traditional osteopathic-influenced approaches including 1) Muscle Energy Technique or MET ( especially for Sacro-iliac Dysfunction / Low Back, thoracic or cervical spine pain), 2) Strain -CounterStrain (SCS) or Jones Points (especially for Somatic Dysfunction), 3) Myofascial Release (MFR), and 4) Cranial-Sacral Therapy or CST.
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