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A Holistic Practice Based on Embodied Neuroscience, Introspective Learning, & Effective Action

World Congress Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Antwerp, BE

World Congress Low Back Pain

World Congress Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Antwerp, Belgium, E.U.

Note: Scroll across listings from international world researchers to visit Tim Sobie’s congressional contributions (Team USA!!!) at items a) P38 & b) P64:
P38 Virtual Reality Bones™ and Feldenkrais® Movements vs. core stabilization biofeedback and motor control exercises: Comparative effects on chronic non-specific low back pain - A randomized controlled clinical trial Sobie T.J., Sherman R., Stephens J. (USA) 
P64 Body schema, ideomotor activity and anatomical image conceptual re-framing as multimodal techniques delivered through a Feldenkrais Method® practitioner: Their effects on pain modulation and gait pattern in patients with LBP Sobie T.J. (USA)
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